I was born and raised in South Wales, in and around the mining village of Abercynon.

As well as living in Abercynon I have also lived in London, both east and west, and I am now living in South Yorkshire just outside of Rotherham.

I am in my mid-sixties and approaching retirement, which will probably be delayed as I cannot afford to live off the meagre amount that my various company pensions pay me.

Having been made redundant several times I have worked for multiple companies in various jobs from security guard to Software engineer and currently as an Applications Developer.

My many outside work interests include, but are not limited to, watching rugby and sport in general on the TV, although I find both athletics and cricket fairly boring, however I am beginning to enjoy the newer T20 version of cricket. I also enjoy playing golf (very badly according to my playing partners), and board games including Chess, Backgammon, Monopoly and Draughts/Checkers.

I am interested in politics and would place myself as being left of centre, but according to some of the replies to my many tweets on Twitter a lot of people seem to classify me as being either belonging to the far-left or far-right, which I believe is due to the completely polarised views of the Twitter Users.

Having said that and being brought up in an area that was predominantly ‘Labour’ I have not voted labour for many a General Election, drifting between the Lib Dems and not voting at all.

I would much rather vote for some-one rather than not vote at all but in recent years I have found it difficult to bring myself to vote for any of the major parties.

That is why, I strongly believe that there should be a penalty for not voting, but there should be an option on the ballot paper of ‘None of the above’.

I could not decide whether to make this a serious or comedic site or just flag my posts as being serious, Comedic or Semi-Comedic. In the end I decided to just write the blogs and let the reader decide into which category the blogs fall.

Although I have used poetic licence and/or exaggeration in most of the blogs, attempting to make them more entertaining, I promise you that everything I have written is either based on factual events or my honest opinion of current events.